You can open the directx dialog box “Dxdiag.exe” to see what is working in the Diagnostic Tool. DirectX diagnostics first came out in DirectX 6.0.
To find the Dxdiag.exe file so you can test Click on the Start then select the menu item Run, In the Run dialog box, type: dxdiag then Click Ok.
If there is some cd burning software on your computer and a virtual drive program this can cause a problem as well because it interferes with the ante pirating of the Warcraft 3 cd. Try deleting the virtual drive.
Hopefully these steps will fix your game and no more seeing the
“Warcraft III was unable to initialize DirectX. Please ensure you have DirectX 8.1”, then you will be ready to work.
Here are the Warcraft 3 cheats.
allyourbasearebelongtous- Instant Win
somebodysetusupthebomb -Instant Loss
iseedeadpeople -View entire map
strengthandhonor -Play after dying in campaign mode
pointbreak -Units need no farms
thedudeabides -Instant spell performance
synergy -Turn off Tech-Tree
itvexesme -Turn off Victory
whosyourdaddy- Invulnerability and 1 shot kills
leafittome -(value) Lumber
greedisgood -(value) Lumber and Gold
keysersoze -(value) Gold
motherland - (race) (level number) Level select
iocainepowder-Instant doom
whoisjohngalt -Quick research
sharpandshiny- Research all upgrades
thereisnospoon -Infinite mana
riseandshine- Morning
lightsout -Night
DaylightSavings- (Insert Hour) Reset the time to the hour specified (without a number, this toggle the day/night cycle on/off)
WarpTen Speeds -up the construction of buildings and units
WhoIsJohnGalt- Enable research
= - Re-enters the last cheat code you typed.
TenthLevelTaurenChieftain - Play the "Power of the Horde" song
I most apologise to my entire server and dns reads for this post but I wanted to post this information and this was the most appropriate blog I have to put it in. I only have known of this information because I run my own internet cyber cafe with lots of customers that like to play Warcraft and The Frozen Throne. If you have never played the Frozen Throne before it’s not a bad escape for an hour from the stresses of running the Internet with dns and bind.
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